Analytical power and respecting visitors’ privacy

Almost all websites use some sort of Traffic Analytics, Google Analytics is used by 54.7% of all websites, according to w3techs.
Using an external analytics service to collect and parse website’s visitors data is the simplest and fastest way, however, it comes with a price since the website owner has no control of the scope of data collected, and how it is processed.

Is the price too high?

The direct price on the website is:
Performance: Loading the Google Analytics script directly impacts the website performance.
Legal: Google Analytics is using tracking cookies and requires consent popups, affecting the website’s first impression and natural navigational flow.
Ethical: Compromising my website’s visitors privacy in order to maintain analytical power is plain wrong.

Bablab is a great example: the traffic analytics solution is non-intrusive, not using cookies.

Read more in the Bablog:

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