I like testing new pioneering apps, as a student back in 1999, I was crashing my old G4 with the OS X beta few weeks after it’s release, compiling Apache and php with Unix tutorials ages before binary installations were available, I guess it comes along with using a Mac.Taday it’s the same – I had to try Parallels Desktop beta, and signed up for VMware fusion beta the day they opened the registration form… only to find out that I dont use it at all.Apparently I was the first israeli to receive an invitation to participate in the Venice Project Beta, yes IPTV is close to my heart, but how cold they know?More on my impressions on The Venice Project soon.
I found your blog via google by accident and have to admit that youve a really interesting blog :-)
Just saved your feed in my reader, have a nice day :)
Thanks Florian!
It’s great to receive a feedback like that!