Many people are having troubles resizing and processing pictures into a profile image (say for Facebook?), there are countless free utilities and apps out there (most of them look pretty shitty..), and also several online services, and now there is another one – mine :)

It’s a flash application that enables you to scale and process an image from your computer, and when you’re happy with it, you can save it to your computer. The application does not communicate with external servers and does not save or send any data anywhere.
As always, it’s a work in progress, I will be adding features and effects as time allows me, but it is fully functional right now. So go a head, give it a shot and create your own profile image, it’s really easy and fast.
Don’t forget to let me know if you liked it!
enjoy :)
This is the public link of this application, in case you want to share it:
* I will be writing some more soon, describing several aspects of making this application, stay tuned.