During the last couple of months I’ve been doing some heavy flash work for ICQ (that instant messaging thing), great guys there.Anyway, part of the project required generating SWF files on a server, compiled using MTASC, an open source ActionScript compiler. I decided to grab the opportunity and start using Eclipse (an open source development platform) for editing ActionScript on my Mac (instead of TextWrangler), and compile with MTASC without the help of Flash IDE.It is easily done using the Flashout plugin. a great tutorial found here, it works the same on Macs, as Eclipse is platform independent.Well, so far I am a bit disappointed, compiling is faster but using ASDT for editing the AS code is not that good, it is not so up to date with features… hope a new release is coming soon.In meantime, I still want Flash and TextWrangler available.Speaking of ASDT, can someone please explain why my ‘Refactor’ menu is disabled?!