Pure code AS3 spinning loading animation

While working on the video player, I wanted to show spinning loading animation while buffering, and since I decided that the whole thing will be pure code, with no library assets, I had to code this animation – just the kind of things I like....

Flash – Highlighting a string in a textfield

Jack Doyle at greensock shared a really cool AS2 class he calls ‘TextMetrics’ – sounds promising ha?The class calculates x/y coordinates of a string in a textfield, allowing highlighting it or calculating rows width.. nice.Check out his example. Thanks Jack!

OpenOffice for Mac – great news!

According to Philipp Lohmann, Sun Microsystems joins porting effort for OpenOffice.org for Mac. I’ve been using NeoOffice for a while now, and even though it got better (it should with the amount of patches they release), it is still kinda slow. But the current OpenOffice...

Cyberduck your files – ftp for mac

I was using all kind of FTP clients along the years, mainlly on PC’s, and my Mac was always neglected because there was no decent client to work with. when I found this great free application – Cyberduck – I was surprized how well it...